1. Personal introduction
Dalam hal ini memperkenalkan diri mulai dari nama, umur, berasal dari mana, tinggal dimana dan sebagainya.
2. School domain
Asal sekolah merupakan bagian penting yang biasa dicatat dalam interview karena bila kamu berasal dari sekolah yang sudah mendapatkan cap negatif biasanya akan dinomorduakan, tetapi jangan putus asa namanya juga berusaha pasti bisa.
2. Daily activities
Diskripsikan apa yang biasa kamu lakukan sehari-hari, jangan menyebutkan kebiasaan yang jelek seperti malas atau bermain melulu. Usahakan sebutkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang bermanfaat.
3. Hobbies and interests
Sebutkan hobi menarik yang biasa kamu lakukan sehari-hari.
5. Purpose/decision
Dalam hal ini memperkenalkan diri mulai dari nama, umur, berasal dari mana, tinggal dimana dan sebagainya.
2. School domain
Asal sekolah merupakan bagian penting yang biasa dicatat dalam interview karena bila kamu berasal dari sekolah yang sudah mendapatkan cap negatif biasanya akan dinomorduakan, tetapi jangan putus asa namanya juga berusaha pasti bisa.
2. Daily activities
Diskripsikan apa yang biasa kamu lakukan sehari-hari, jangan menyebutkan kebiasaan yang jelek seperti malas atau bermain melulu. Usahakan sebutkan kegiatan-kegiatan yang bermanfaat.
3. Hobbies and interests
Sebutkan hobi menarik yang biasa kamu lakukan sehari-hari.
5. Purpose/decision
Berikan alasan dan tujuan yang tepat untuk masuk ke sekolah itu untuk apa? Misalnya menjawab kalau sekolah itu favorit untuk kamu.
Selain itu hal-hal yang biasa ditanyakan antara lain :
1. Define yourself ?
At this stage of your educational career the interviewer wants to know about your primary education only. Try to answer this question by indicating at least minimum two years back qualifications.
2. What is the meaning of a Student?
Student is an intellectual who has registered for a full-time course for a degree, diploma or a certificate awarded by the school, college, university or technical or professional institute. He is one who directs his zeal on the particular subjects and having eagerness to learn something out of everything.
3. Why you prefer our school for further study?
This is one question which is asked by the interviewer to know about your level of interest regarding their school. Try to focus you answer by telling them about quality of school and the education system.
4. What is the aim of your life?
This is one question which is always asked only to know about you that how conscious you are for your future? You can answer this by saying” The aim of my life is to become………….”
5. Are you worried about your future?
No sir, I am not worried about my future. This is only to know about you that how optimistic you are?
6. Which is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is Science. I like it very much. It is near to my heart.
7. Who is your favorite teacher?
Sir, Mrs. X is my favorite teacher. I like her way of teaching. She is very friendly to all students and one of the loving teachers.
8. What is the meaning of a Teacher?
A Teacher is the person who uses to mend the career his student by providing the knowledge regarding various subjects. I think, he is the mind reader of his disciple.
9. Which is your favorite dish?
Sir, I love to eat Sate and it is one of my favorite foods.
10. What do you know about our school?
Sir, this is the perfect school for every student. It enhances the whole persona of a student.
Selain itu hal-hal yang biasa ditanyakan antara lain :
1. Define yourself ?
At this stage of your educational career the interviewer wants to know about your primary education only. Try to answer this question by indicating at least minimum two years back qualifications.
2. What is the meaning of a Student?
Student is an intellectual who has registered for a full-time course for a degree, diploma or a certificate awarded by the school, college, university or technical or professional institute. He is one who directs his zeal on the particular subjects and having eagerness to learn something out of everything.
3. Why you prefer our school for further study?
This is one question which is asked by the interviewer to know about your level of interest regarding their school. Try to focus you answer by telling them about quality of school and the education system.
4. What is the aim of your life?
This is one question which is always asked only to know about you that how conscious you are for your future? You can answer this by saying” The aim of my life is to become………….”
5. Are you worried about your future?
No sir, I am not worried about my future. This is only to know about you that how optimistic you are?
6. Which is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is Science. I like it very much. It is near to my heart.
7. Who is your favorite teacher?
Sir, Mrs. X is my favorite teacher. I like her way of teaching. She is very friendly to all students and one of the loving teachers.
8. What is the meaning of a Teacher?
A Teacher is the person who uses to mend the career his student by providing the knowledge regarding various subjects. I think, he is the mind reader of his disciple.
9. Which is your favorite dish?
Sir, I love to eat Sate and it is one of my favorite foods.
10. What do you know about our school?
Sir, this is the perfect school for every student. It enhances the whole persona of a student.
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